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国境なき記者団調査、日本は報道自由度51位 「毎日」は記者クラブ問題を隠匿

 言論の自由やジャーナリストの権利を守る活動をする団体「国境なき記者団」(本部・パリ)は24日、世界168カ国における報道の自由度を調査しランキングした「Worldwide Press Freedom Index 2006」を発表した。日本は記者クラブの閉鎖性や、右傾化を理由に、前年より14位下がって51位となった。




 Rising nationalism and the system of exclusive press clubs (kishas) threatened democratic gains in Japan, which fell 14 places to 51st.




Reform of Kisha Clubs demanded to end press freedom threat

 The newspaper Nihon Keizai was firebombed and several journalists phsyically attacked by far-right activists (uyoku).






 17番は、 ノンフィクション作家の溝口敦氏の息子が今年1月、暴力団関係者とみられる男に襲われた件 が該当する。

 武富士がフリージャーナリストに対し、 批判封じ目的で億単位の高額訴訟を仕掛けたり、ジャーナリスト宅を盗聴したりする行為が日本では数年前に実際に起きているが、これはどれに該当するのだろうか…。


Questionnaire for compiling a 2006 world press freedom index

The period runs from 1 September 2005 to 1 September 2006

During this time, how many journalists:

1. Were murdered?

2. Were murdered, with the state involved?

3. Were arrested or sent to prison (for however long)?

4. Are currently in jail and serving a heavy sentence (more than a year) for a media-related offence?

5. Were threatened?

6. Were physically attacked or injured?

7. Fled the country?

Were any journalists (yes/no):

8. Illegally imprisoned (no arrest warrant, in violation of maximum period of detention without trial or court appearance)?

9. Tortured or ill-treated?

10. Kidnapped or taken hostage?

11. Did any journalists disappear?

Over the period, was/were there (yes/no):

12. Armed militias or secret organisations targeting journalists?

13. Terrorist action against journalists or media firms?

14. Improper use of fines, summonses or legal action against journalists or media outlets?

15. Routine failure to prosecute those responsible for seriously violating press freedom?

16. Prison terms imposed for media-related offences defined by law?

17. Attacks or threats against family, friends or colleagues of journalists?

18. Surveillance of journalists (phone-tapping, being followed etc)?

19. Problems of access to public or official information (refusal by officials, selection of information provided according to the media’s editorial line etc)?

20. Restricted physical or reporting access to any regions of the country (official ban, strict official control etc)?

21. Media outlets censored, seized or ransacked? (how many?)

22. Searches of media premises or homes of journalists?

23. Surveillance of foreign journalists working in the country?

24. Foreign journalists deported?

25. Problems getting journalist visas (undue delay, demand to know names of people to be interviewed etc)?

26. Censorship or seizure of foreign newspapers?

27. Jamming of foreign broadcasts or regulating who can have satellite dishes?

28. Independent or opposition news media?

29. An official prior censorship body systematically checking all media content?

30. Routine self-censorship in the privately-owned media?

31. Subjects that are taboo (the armed forces, government corruption, religion, the opposition, demands of separatists, human rights etc)?

32. A state monopoly of TV?

33. A state monopoly of radio?

34. A state monopoly of printing or distribution facilities?

35. Government control of state-owned media’s editorial line?

36. Improper sackings of journalists in the state-owned media?

37. Journalists forced to stop working through harassment or threats?

38. Opposition access to state-owned media?

39. Strictly-controlled access to journalistic profession (compulsory certificate or training, membership of journalists’ institute etc.)?

40. Use of withdrawal of advertising (government stops buying space in some papers or pressures private firms to boycott media outlets)?

41. Undue restriction of foreign investment in the media?

42. Licence needed to start up a newspaper or magazine?

43. Cases of violating privacy of journalistic sources?

44. Serious threats to news diversity, including narrow ownership of media outlets?

45. A state monopoly of Internet service providers (ISPs)?

46. ISPs forced to filter access to websites?

47. Websites shut down over the period?

48. ISPs legally responsible for the content of websites they host?

49. Cyber-dissidents or bloggers imprisoned (how many?)

50. Cyber-dissidents or bloggers harassed or physically attacked (how many?)



t-iori2015/06/15 17:09

「各国の記者(駐在員含む)に、共通の50項目の質問(迫害、検閲、タブーの有無…)を行う方法をとり、日本では、外国人を含めた120人に調査票が配られ.」 国境なき記者団調査、日本は報道自由度51位 「毎日」は記者ク

aglassofwater2009/02/21 09:54





民間記者2008/05/20 22:16
天使2008/04/11 13:40
ゆう2008/02/01 02:51
かしこ2008/02/01 02:51
西2008/02/01 02:51
2008/02/01 02:50
んんん2008/02/01 02:50
南 哲2008/02/01 02:50
南 哲2008/02/01 02:50
2008/02/01 02:50
南 哲2008/02/01 02:50
BOX2008/02/01 02:50
んんん2008/02/01 02:50
風太2008/02/01 02:50
chinryuu2008/02/01 02:50
お上にベッタリ2008/02/01 02:50
silver京2008/02/01 02:50
※. コメントは会員ユーザのみ受け付けております。
